

Digital Awareness – Build your digital identity - Build your digital identity and increase audience engagement through targeted content marketing programs. Having a digital brand means mapping the availability of your target audience on the right platforms. It is therefore essential to have a digital presence in the target channel. It's no secret that social media is an ideal digital strategy for promoting… Read more
Financial Services Outsourcing or why banking institutions increasingly trust external companies? - The economic crisis is also being felt in the financial sector, so it is no surprise that it is one of the worst hit worldwide. To survive, companies must respond quickly, flexibly, and rearrange their priorities fundamentally. In other words, they have to cut hundreds of employees and tighten their belts to the absolute minimum.… Read more
What BPO services and Call Center services mean. Differences - In today's digital and innovative times, more and more foreign words and abbreviations are taking place in our dictionary. Today we will focus on two of our main services and explain to you what business process outsourcing is and how it differs from the call center. Although many BPO functions are performed using a call… Read more
Technical Support Outsourcing - We specialize in performing and improving business processes related to the activities of our clients and partners - outsourcing of business processes, with the help of our modern contact center. We work in a high-tech environment, which allows us to use various communication channels such as telephone, email, chatbot, voice messaging and more. These advantages… Read more
Case Study – Как трекингът помогна на наш клиент - Какво е трекинг и какви задачи ни помага да решим? Трекингът е иновативна методология,чрез която се откриват „тесните” места в бизнеса, бърз растеж на приходите и мащабиране на компаниите посредством тестиране на краткосрочни качествени хипотези и внедраване на иновативни подобрения на база данни. Също така посредством диагностиката на трекингът се определят стратегии за подобряване/създаване на… Read more
5 KEY REASONS WHY COMPANIES ARE OUTSOURCING CHANELL - Here are five powerful reasons to outsource we can give you. And not only. We can offer you the best way to do it! Try our new outsourcing services today! Fast Results Tech companies can run full channel operations without the need to take on and manage their own channel team from the outset. The… Read more